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RMM: On the Road Again

RMM: On the Road Again


It doesn't seem that long ago that I was sharing the news of our upcoming road trip from Kentucky to SLC.  Well—here we are again, a mere 2 years later.  But this time—we are taking the kids along for the ride, and we have a RECORD number of stops including visits to some of our country's national treasures. {Largest ball of twine here we come!}


When everything happened back in November (click here if you missed it) we decided, in that very moment, to take our life back. We decided to really go for our dreams and to not be afraid of taking the road less traveled.  Literally.  I mean have you seen the roads that lead to Marfa, Texas?


When presented with one of life's many crossroads, Brett and I decided that it was an amazing opportunity to show our children what it means to focus on experiences over things. So next week, we will leave our newly renovated home, filled with all the "beautiful things" to hit the road for 6 our BURU van.


Yes, you read that correctly. We will be living the gypset life for a month and a half.


I'm not going to lie, I'm a bit terrified at the thought of keeping 2 little ones happy and entertained on a trip around the USA in 45 days, but I also feel exhilarated by the thought of taking to the open road with those I love most. I'm also so excited to see and meet so many of our amazing BURU mamas along the way!


So here's the plan:


Next Sunday we will leave SLC to head east—taking the southern root to kick off the trip with a stop off at The Grand Canyon. From there we will....


Wait.  Did you think I was just going to tell you the full plan? Where's the fun in that?


Mamas—get ready for BURU Roadtrip Trivia!


Filled with fun, fashion, and freebies!


Please follow along our journey by following us on Instagram and signing up for our newsletter! (in the footer).  I promise you countless travel tips, treats for you and tons of random facts about this beautiful country of ours!


Additionally, if there is any chance for us to meet you along the way, we would love to! Please see our complete list of stops below. If you live in one of these cities, then we want to know! Simply email and we will be sure you have all the details!



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