I am a mother of one. My pump experience is that of one. I cannot claim to say that I have used every breast pump on this list (that would be semi-insane...). What I can tell you is that we did the searching, we asked the questions, and I feel confident that we have put a very strong list of options together for you!
The Pump in Style, not only a strong choice, but my personal choice. Nothing bonds you more instantly on a street corner in NYC than we you see another mother sporting her hideous (breast milk stained) black nylon bag. All joking aside though, this is a great option. Easy to travel with and it gets the job done. Be prepared that you will not get the same "pump action" from the battery back, but it will milk you in a pinch.
Medela pump in style breast pump - $223.99 >

The compact design of Philips Advent Comfort Double Electric Breast Pump makes it great for traveling or carrying to and from work everyday. Plus, it has a closed system so you won't have to worry about milk backing up in the tubes.

Bringing baby home, means bringing baby's stuff home. (How do they have SO much stuff 10 minutes after they leave the womb?) Medela's Swing Breast Pump gets the job done without taking up much space.

Featuring Simplisse technology, Dr. Brown's Double Electric Pump is designed to help minimize tugging and pinching to gently elicit milk expression. It uses a combination of compression and suction, so it actually feels a bit like you're nursing.

The PJ Comfort is the only 1-1/2 pound portable hospital-grade breast pump featuring Limerick PJ’s revolutionary patented technology for maximum comfort and safety. Moreover, this pump has soft cups, versus the hard plastic ones which feels more natural. (Full disclosure, I was post-nursing when I was sent one to try so I can't tell you about the pumping first hand, but I can say that the cups do feel quite nice!)

I really wish this had been around with I was breast feeding Olive. Just look how tidy everything is! Perfect for a mini fridge at the office, don't you think? The Kiinde starter kit let's you pump, store, organize, warm and feed all while using the same pouch! The Kiinde twist pouch completely eliminates the need to transfer your breast milk from bottles to bags and back again! And, it's universal so it will fit whichever pump you pick!