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What's next for BURU

What's next for BURU

When we started BURU, everyone seemed to be very curious about our "5-year Plan". Of course we would "answer" the question as best we could, but the brutally honest truth was that we didn't know what the next 5-years would hold, and we didn't really bother guessing. We started—and we've kept going ever since.
But here we are.
Year 5.
When I look back in all the ways we've evolved, it excites me. It also makes me want to take a nap and confirms why I need 2X the botox that I used to need.
Boy, have we been busy.
Somehow though—I feel as if we've only just begun (cue Karen Carpenter's voice in my head). To me BURU is still a mere toddler, walking on her own, with a wobble here and there. We are in major growth mode, and it's hard and scary. I'm sure any business owner can relate to the  feeling of, "Yay! We made it to here." Immediately followed by the feeling of, "Oh sh*t, here is going to require XXX dollars to get to there??"
We have some really neat things on our horizon, but before I get into those, I need to say some big THANK YOUS!
To Our Parents—
What would we do without you? Through this journey, you have encouraged us, loved us, supported us, taken care of our children, packed orders, painted walls, driven us cross-country, shopped our site, hosted events, and well—pretty much anything we have asked, you have gone above and beyond. We love you. Thank you for everything.
To Our Friends—
Unlike our family, you didn't "have" to shop with us, but you did. To those who have  backed us from the beginning, you know who you are, and let me just tell you, it means the world to us!
To Our Children—
You are our everything. Even though we really haven't given you much of a choice, we are so grateful and thankful to have you on this journey with us. You are two carnie kiddos—totally down with living in a van for the entire summer, and we think you ROCK!
To Leapfrog—
From our very first Skype"interview" call, before the site had even launched, to today, the amazing Leapfrog PR ladies have championed our brand and pushed us in all the ways we needed to be pushed. They've been the connector that we needed and in a way, they've become BURU's best friend, whispering all the nicest things behind our backs ;).
To Our Team—
From our super smart and creative gals here in the BURU HQ to our beautiful and brainy BURU Bus drivers hitting the open road to bring mom style to your fingertips, we are so lucky to have such an incredible team! Thank you for who you are and everything that you do!
To Our Customers—
Thank you for trusting us, for following us, for listening to us, and for investing in us. We love dressing you. We love making getting ready in the morning fun, not daunting. We want you to know that we spend every day trying to be better for you—better style, better website, more content, easier checkouts, faster shipping... You name it, we are working to upgrade it for you! Thank you for continuing to shop so that we have the opportunity to grow and improve.
Don't forget to use your $50 #burubday thank you gift for orders over $150 with code: 24MONTHS
To Our Followers—
Thank you for coming along! Perhaps you've been following us on Instagram or via our e-newsletters and just haven't pulled the trigger yet. Shopping with someone new can be hard and nerve-racking. We get it. But we are here for you—to answer any question via email ( or by phone (424.316.BURU). Give us a shout!
To Our Partners—
To the beautiful influencers and brand ambassadors, thank you for making our clothes look so beautiful in real mom life (or even photoshoot mom life..wink wink). We love all of it! Thank you for sharing us with your followers! To the web developers and marketing geniuses who consistently get BURU in front of new eyeballs, thank you for your guidance and your expertise!  We couldn't do it without you!
And now—about those neat things on the horizon...
Let's just say that the BURU White Label is about to take on an even bigger role for our brand...which is why the entire Hutchinson klan is en route to China this December!
And as for the Pink Label, well—I hope you're ready to be decked out this holiday season. The Evolution of Jean Evelyn Volume II Collection drops in just over 2 weeks! We took all your tips from our first collection, we tweaked, we redesigned, we created new styles, and we can't wait to show them to you!
Thank you again to everyone for coming on this journey with us!
I hope you'll stick with us. We sure love having you around!




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