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Q&A With Founders Of Vine Garden Market

Q&A With Founders Of Vine Garden Market


The Vine Market Garden was co-founded by Kelly Revels and Bryce Vann Brock. They create inspired designs for life’s celebrations. For moments that are cherished. For gathering-places formal and informal. For work, play and tranquil reflection. Kelly and Bryce help express people’s dreams, share their passion, and celebrate their joy.

The Vine Market Garden is composed of three distinct, yet complimentary and fully integrated services;


Whether they're selecting the perfect container combination for their client’s garden, planning a memorable event with an ideal floral arrangement or guiding their clients to choose the best plant for their living space, Kelly and Bryce are more than just the sum of their integrated parts.


KR: This is a hard one!!! So many things about being a mom that I absolutely live for. Picking up my kids after work feels like Christmas morning every time. Being a mom is the most humbling experience anyone could ever have. The unconditional love that is shared between a mother and her children is such an undeniable one. It is my “secret sauce” in centering myself after a long day, week or season. I have truly never had more fun in my life than i am having now with my kids.


BB: I love watching these little people we created learn and grow. It is so fascinating to look at your child and think “you just made that face I always do” or “that looks just like me” or “you look just like your grandmother right now.” Watching the world through their eyes is precious. So often I am just so busy that I am just going through the motions every day and then my kids say something or notice something and I am reminded to be more present.


KR: Motherhood forced me to understand what really matters. Perspective!!!! I don’t let a whole lot of things really get to me. It has also changed what I value. Before I became a mother I placed value in more tangible items and goals that are quite different for me now. Today, I try to work as “smart” as I can so that I can maximize my time with my family. Time with my family is what I value most now and it is why I work as hard as I do.


BB: I would say it has made me very calm. That sounds ridiculous being a working mom who owns a business with two kids, etc.. but most things in life that used to get me riled up just roll off my back now. I am able to problem solve much better than I did before kids and when I was younger.


KR: Carter Boynton Revels, 6.5 - Very funny, smart and spirited little boy. He will talk to anyone about anything… at ANY time.. Loves sharks, animals and Treehouse Masters. Carter totally immerses himself in whatever he's doing and one of my favorite things is to watch him focus so intently on his projects. How refreshing it is to see this little man of mine so present, so in his “now”. Mable Louise “Loulou” Revels, 2.5 - Another funny and spirited little one, and my little ballerina. She loves to fish on Daddy’s Boat but loves a good tutu also - would probably prefer to do both at the same time, acutally. She’s very independent and loves to entertain herself.


BB: Hayes (boy, 5 and 1/4 as he says) is my first born. He is this tan curly headed child that is one of the sweetest and kindest human beings in the world. I know that I am his mom, but most everyone who knows him agrees. He is just like his father, he adores wildlife. I took him to the Natural History Museum in NYC for his 4th birthday and he could name over half of the fish species on the wall. Other people around were amazed. He defiantly has amazing things in store for him. Rhoan (girl, 2.5) is a total pistol. We have a sonogram of her shooting a bird. Seth and I knew right then we were in trouble. She is blonde and blue eye, the rest of us are brown hair, brown eyes. She was the absolute best baby, never fussed, never really cried, slept like an angel! Although she looks nothing like me, she is me 
all over. Gives me the same daggers with her eyes that I gave my parents and still give others! She is extremely bright, strong willed but is also the most loving adoring child (when she wants to be, she is 2!!!). I adored watching Hayes learn from about 2.5 on, those were such precious years. The next few years with Rhoan are going to be the same way. Sometimes I wish I could just hit the slo-mo button on all of this!!!


KR: I breast fed both babies until they were 9-10 months old. I wear a lot of loose fitted clothing and a lot of dresses. Sort of puts a halt on all the dress wearing but other than that, i managed to get a way with the rest of my wardrobe.


BB: I breast-fed with both kids. Hayes was pretty difficult and I had a hard time producing milk. I stuck with it for 3 months. It was one of the hardest times of my life. I totally felt like I was failing. Rhoan was easy breezy. She latched on minutes after she was born and I was able to produce plenty of milk. While I was breast feeding I would always try to wear something loose that they could slip under or have a layer that could hide everything that was underneath. 


KR: I don’t think so! Although maybe it should, haha. My #momstyle is nothing too contrived or too “fixed”. I am not of fan of tight fitting clothes or overly fancy in general, so I never really worry about my kids ruining my clothes. I love to wear a lot of long necklaces - my husband once called it my “Mr. T starter kit.”


BB: Depends on the day. I'm pretty casual so I would say the heels and dresses have been put on the back burner. Summer I'm usually in dresses and flip flops and winter I'm in jeans and sweaters. 



KR: On the event side of The Vine, I often have to go from production to meetings and then back to production which can be tricky from the wardrobe side.

The Great - The Almost Skinny Jean

Love a good wide leg pant like - Rachel Comey makes the best!!

Obsessed with Caftans — LemLem

Trapeze shaped dress is so chic - Rachel Comey Copa Dress

Duster or long sweater coat - often referred to as my “uniform” - over cute leggings with booties!! - Mara Hoffman sweater coat


BB: Some of my favorites are the moto pants - great with flats or boots.

I love the bomber jacket (I consider an accessory that always fits!).

The shirt dress and poncho are a must.

Most recently I am IN LOVE with the Liz sweater and will probably order that as soon as I finish typing this!

Shop Kelly & Bryce's taste maker collection >



Black Tailored Blazer

Collection of Long Necklaces

Great High-Waisted Skirt

Moto Jeans/Pants

Booties - in all colors :)


I gained a fair amount of weight with both of my kids so accessories (shoes, bags, scarves, jewelry) area always a good go to because they always fit! I think great jackets, sweaters, things you can throw on to dress up jeans and a tank are a necessity. 


Bryce Vann Brock and Kelly Revels created the Vine in 2008. This marked an exciting new chapter in a wonderful story that was already being written
by their work together at The Sea Island Resort (GA). Bryce served as the resort’s Landscape Director for several years while Kelly specialized there in landscape container design. Together they designed and created spectacular events both small and large at the resort while dreaming of one day combining their talents and energy to form their own business.

Today, that talent, energy and vision is embodied in The Vine. So, as wonderful as our History is, we are convinced that the chapters yet to be written together will be even more compelling.



We were recently asked to lead the design for a really large event conference called Engage! We would be designing events attended by the BIGGEST names in the industry. Although it was extremely intimidating and very scary we were able to stretch our creativity and put it on display for the most discerning audience. When we all walked into the ballroom, I looked back and saw all of these leaders that I follow and lean on for inspiration with their phones in the air taking pictures of our work. Now that was cool!



KR: We live on an island so there are so many great spots for us to take our kids. Our house is a block from the beach so we pretty much go to the beach everyday. We also love to go exploring in the woods and fishing on our boat. Perfect weekends for our family is spending it with our closest friends at the beach or on the boat.


BB: I live on Saint Simons Island. My husband and I fell in love with a mid century ranch when we were pregnant with Hayes. We ended up buying it when we were pregnant with Rhoan and going through a little renovation. We just recently completed a big renovation that included a kids suite with playroom and popped up a second story with a home office. And we painted it black! As far as family friendly spots, we live on an island so we have so much at our fingertips. Our weekends are usually spent at the beach or taking the kids out in the boat fishing or to one of our barrier islands. Just yesterday we took the kids off shore and caught some of the biggest redfish we've ever seen (they were too big to keep so we threw them back of course) and caught a bunch of black seabass.


KR: Giving my children a happy, healthy and safe environment at all times. Always making sure they know how much they are loved no matter what. Giving them the guidance and security to make a difference in our world.


BB: I think my version of motherly is that my kids always look up to me and come to me in times of comfort and need



Mother: caring

Wife: loving

Business owner: determined

Floral designer: creative

Friend: struggling - my 2017 goal is to be a better friend to my friends. I have put so many work obligations in front of my ability to be a good friend and my goal this year is to reverse that habit as much as I possibly can.



Mother: loving 

Wife: strong 

Business owner: empowering 

Landscape designer: consistent 




Bedtime Story: On the night you were born

Lullaby: Jesus Loves Me

Vacation spot: Lake Burton

Restaurant: Crabdaddy’s, SSI

Children’s Brands: Neve & Hawk, Roberta Roller Rabbit



One funny one is when Hayes was little I couldn't get him to sleep and was too tired to remember the words to a lullaby so I sung him “Baby Got Back”

Bedtime Story:I want my hat back” Jon Klassen

Lullaby: Baby got Back - JK!

Vacation spot: Bahamas

Children’s Brands: Neve and Hawk, Boden, Jcrew, Zara



It is okay to fail. The only person who told me that was Kelly (Revels) and I was so grateful she did.  

KR: My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style. Maya Angelou

You can’t always get what you want, but if you try sometimes you just might find, you get what you need. Mick Jagger + Keith Richards (and also the song my mom used to sing to me)


BB: The minute you think your are irreplaceable, you become replaceable (very true in business)





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