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Morgan's Packing Guide: Istanbul Edition

Morgan's Packing Guide: Istanbul Edition

BURU Founder, Morgan Hutchinson, is off on an amazing adventure to shoot our new White and Pink Label Collections in Turkey. We chatted with her while she packed for her trip, and we've touched base with her since she touched down in Istanbul to get the scoop on what to pack, what to do, and how to do it in style.
H O W   T O   P A C K
When traveling abroad from one country to another, the baggage allowance is quite easy—loads of pounds/kilos and size doesn't seem to matter. The true challenge presents itself when you add a domestic flight within the country to which you have traveled. The flight from JFK to Istanbul allowed 32 kg, while the flight from Istanbul to Capadoccia only permits 15 kg. One MUST prepare ahead of time to avoid trouble at check-in. (But also have the option to pay, but why give away your hard earned money if you don't have to?)
To avoid these fees, Morgan packed a lightweight duffle-bag inside her main checked bag to hold unneeded clothing, accessories and toiletries during her domestic travel within Turkey. In order to get back to the USA, one must always come back to Istanbul, so storing luggage at one's hotel is quite easy and convenient. It also makes for a more enjoyable travel experience—less crap = more fun!
Don't forget to take extra care when packing liquids. Though the USA has become somewhat lax when it comes to clear bags and bottles under 4 ounces, the UK and Europe have not. Perhaps now is not the time to mention how many bottles of travel sized dry shampoo Morgan was forced to toss in the rubbish bin. Wink.  Wink.
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W H A T    T O    P A C K
With any travel (international or domestic), weather tends to be the ultimate "pack block".  Rain, wind, 30 degree temp swings, smoldering heat, freezing cold—you name makes packing a challenge. Arriving to a destination that you've dreamed about for months, only to discover that nothing you brought is suitable is quite the Debbie downer experience. Known to be a bit anal in the area of packing, Morgan was prepared for the fall rains of Turkey. Luckily, with all the washable BURU options, packing rain-friendly styles was quite easy.
Keeping in mind that you can't go wrong with a dress—a relaxed fit and flowy sleeves will keep you comfortable and chic all in one. A dress provides great laying opportunities and even if you need to throw on a pair of cool sneakers, the look will read stylish—not American tourist.




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 W H A T    T O   P A C K   (continued...)
Shoes can be the downfall of any suitcase...or any outfit for that matter! But—if you limit yourself to 4 pairs total, it will force you to get creative and save oodles of space and weight in your luggage. Metallics are typically a safe bet. Gold and silver pair back to most things and they look good as heels, wedges or flats. Quick tip: don't be afraid to pair a casual shoe with a dressy look when traveling.  Your pictures will be so much better with an elevated ensemble and your mood will be so much better with happy feet.




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W H A T   T O    D O   (in Turkey)
Presumably, most of you reading this are mamas. Meaning—you have the full appreciation of "time is of the essence". Traveling sans kids, while a seemingly care-free luxury, is actually quite a stress as well.  Between childcare coordination and separation anxiety, planning a trip longer than 7 days is incredibly challenging. If a mama wants to see the world, then she must obtain a masters in efficiency and logistics.
For Morgan's trip to Turkey, she carefully studied her options to create the most productive and enjoyable itinerary. At times jam-packed and at others, more relaxed. Over the years, she's realized that one amazing experience outweighs 3 average ones, and she's learned to pick and choose.  You really can't do it all. Prioritizing, planning around those priorities and learning to overlook the things you might "miss out" out on is the key to vacation/work travel happiness.
For this specific trip to Turkey, the focus was more on Capadoccia than Istanbul. While two full days in Istanbul goes by in a blink, it is possible. Hit the majors. Stay on the Bosphorus for the views and for meals by the water. Taxi into old town for the Grand Bazaar, Spice Market and Mosque visits. Know that you will not see it all. Not even close. But embrace what you do see. Drink wine. Over indulge in Turkish Delights. And then—treat yourself to a traditional Turkish Hammam. It's a bath ritual game changer.



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W H A T    T O    D O   (in Turkey continued...)
When booking Capadoccia, there is only one place to stay—The Museum Hotel. 
Why plan a once in a lifetime trip and not choose to stay in a once in a life time accommodation, right? Especially when you can book it VERY affordably from! Morgan openly owns her love for nice hotels, but she also owns her love for finding a deal!
"In Capadoccia, you must ride in a hot air balloon, take a horse back ride, and spend a full day (drinking champage and eating Turkish delights) poolside at the Museum Hotel. They might pressure you to do other things. If you have the time—do them.  If you do not have the time, don't stress. Put your feet up and enjoy the view, mama! Travel is not about entering a race of tourist sites—it's about experiencing other cultures and discovering a new part of yourself that you didn't know before," sincere advice from Morgan of BURU.


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