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Giving Back. It's Everything.

Giving Back. It's Everything.


I was officially diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder when I was 27.


While I felt total relief, I discovered it was actually quite frightening and alarming to those around me. I appreciated that a proper diagnosis would result in a proper treatment—a treatment that would make me better, more productive, and overall more me, but the stigma surrounding this mysterious and often scary disease seemed quite overwhelming for many people in my immediate circle.


At 27, I was not in the position to do much about the stigma—short of openly talking about it in the hopes of bringing a sense of normalcy to the disease, but now, 10 years later, I have the opportunity to actively work towards ending this unfortunate stigma.


Many things about the launch of The BURU Pink Label excite me, but I am most proud of the giveback component. For every piece of BPL sold, we will donate $15 to our charitable partner, Bring Change to Mind—a non-profit organization on a mission to end the stigma of mental illness.


Specifically, our donation will help to further advance their incredible "Talk Tool"—an online tool to help individuals talk with friends, family members or colleagues about mental health issues. Our plan is to expand the tool to include "Postpartum Depression" as it hits so close to home to us mamas.


If you would like to learn more about this amazing organization, please visit their website linked HERE.

A huge thank you in advance for helping support a cause so near and dear to my heart while also supporting our BURU Pink Label. It's a true win, win!



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