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Fighting the "MOM Style" Stigma

Fighting the "MOM Style" Stigma

Have you noticed that by simply adding the word "mom" in front of an object, it immediately becomes less stylish?


"MOM" jeans. (until recently, thanks to the return of the high-rise)

"MOM" cut. (as in hair)

"MOM" shoes. (pretty sure Crocs are top of mind here, not f*ck me pumps)


Why is this? What is it about the word "MOM" that takes the style out of life?

The assumption of mess? The constant chaos? The sleep deprivation?


My gut tells me yes—to all the above, but I'm reminded that this is a fairly new phenomenon. Certainly, our grandmothers were not perceived to be frazzled, walking zombies with stains all over their athleisure. I'm left to believe that it is our generation who has allowed this stigma—or perhaps we even created it. Or perhaps Pinterest is to blame. Who has time to primp when we have to make 15' rainbow balloon arches for our 4-year old's birthday party?  (Seriously, who would do that? Oh right. Me—8.5 months pregnant no less. I actually greeted the first party guest in my bathrobe with a giant baby belly hanging out. Stigma personified. )


As mothers (who literally create life) I believe we've earned the time it takes to properly dress ourselves. Not because I care what others think about how we look as a collective group, but because I care what we think about ourselves. There's nothing wrong with feeling good about how you look. And honestly, there's nothing wrong with not caring about it either—no mom shaming here, only permission to care and make time for it if your heart so desires.



As we travel the country in our BURU Buses, meeting moms from every state in every region of the US, I'm so impressed with the number of women doing it all—giving so selflessly and overall killing it in life. But at the same time, I'm astounded at how many are willing to buy expensive, over the top clothes for their children and not for themselves. After all, we are not actually the messy ones or the ones outgrowing our clothes on the weekly.


It's an imbalance. It seems that we don't believe we are worth it, and I'm so confused as to why—especially when (according to The Washington Post) 64.4% of mothers in the US are actually the breadwinners for their families.


Every morning, I send Olive off to school in a cute outfit (typically a dress) with matching shoes, her teeth are brushed, her hair is fixed and topped with a bow. I get her dressed quickly, as time is always of the essence, but we do it with thought and care so that she respectfully represents herself to her class. I often wonder what it might "say" to her if I didn't take care of myself in the same way. Perhaps that she is more important than I am? That seems like a recipe for disaster come the teen years, no?


I want Olive {and Schafer too, of course} to know that my love for her {them} is boundless and overflowing, but I also feel it's important for her {them} to understand that I still matter as a human—even though, I am a "MOM". 


My hope is that BURU is a resource that makes it possible AND easy for moms to build a wardrobe that works for motherhood. It doesn't have to be costly, and with the proper closet curation—it doesn't have to be overly time consuming. I also hope to make it FUN and help you feel great about yourself. You deserve it!!


We created the BURU White Label to offer attainable and stylish mom-approved clothes, and now The Pink Label is here to step it up a notch further—offering special occasion pieces for the everyday.


Moms are awesome—I mean next level, super hero status. I think it's time to ditch the "mom style" stigma.  I'm so over it.


Lamé anyone?

(PS—it's washable.)


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