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Q&A with Monica Royer of Monica & Andy

Q&A with Monica Royer of Monica & Andy


Monica Royer has spent her whole life in and around Chicago. The birth of her daughter in the middle of a frigid cold Chicago winter inspired her to find a better way for moms to shop, discover information, and connect with one another. Along with her daughter, the idea of Monica + Andy was born that day. Monica currently lives in Lincoln Park with her daughter Bella and husband Rob of Interior Define.

We are so thrilled to have this amazing mama join our tribe of Tastemakers!
Learn more about Monica below + Shop her #momstyle on sale this week only!



It really has changed my entire life in so many ways. I think what I love most is seeing the world through my daughter’s eyes. Getting excited about a trip to the zoo or seeing a bus zoom up the street.  It is like getting a chance to see the entire world again as if for the first time.


It has shown me a love that I didn’t know existed. On a practical realm it has made me a lot more productive.  I only have so much time to complete a task.


I did breast feed.  It certainly affected my wardrobe choices. I felt like it was so much more limited at the time. I have since discovered so many amazing options. I think the second time around I will have a much more extensive wardrobe. I love how Shop Buru helps you to evolve from pregnancy to motherhood.  It is soon needed! Especially while you are breastfeeding practicality can influence what you wear. Buru has so many incredible options.


Surprisingly it hasn't changed as much as I thought it would. I basically have three looks. I have the super casual Carbon38/Lululemon workout look for when we are on walks. We live in Lincoln Park in Chicago and walk a lot. We walk to the zoo, the nature museum. I love being out in nature and have to have a workout look. I have the casual office look which is always AYR. I am obsessed with their jeans and casual chic.   I am soon excited to have discovered Shop Buru!  The pieces are incredible and transition so easily.   In my heart-of-hearts my favorite look is dressing up. I love heels and a dress and have an excuse to do that with my job a few times week. . Truly when I am happiest though is when I am home in my pajamas playing board games, reading, and watching Scooby-Doo with my daughter.




I have always been interested in fashion and originally wanted to design women dresses. I am dress obsessed and was in the earl stages of working on this before my daughter was born. After I had her I remember being in the hospital and realizing that my entire life had shifted somehow. I became really concerned about the fabrics that she was wearing and became obsessed with baby fashion. I wanted to build a company around being able to be a mom. It is hard to find balance but I wanted to build something with her at the center. I left my previous corporate job and stayed with her for three years at home while I started to build the company at naptime and when she went to sleep. It has been stressful at times but I have loved every minute of doing what I am doing and being with her.


My number on first icon is Princess Diana. I know that is throwing it back a bit but when I was really little I remember being so inspired by her. Her style evolution as she gained more confidence thought her life was incredible. Jackie Kennedy of course is a huge inspiration as well. The way that she was able to dress simply but with such incredible grace and style. I not only admire the style of a woman but the substance behind her. When you are passionate about what you do it elevates your style all the more.


I live in Chicago, specifically Lincoln Park. We love it here because we are in the middle of a big city but we can walk to the zoo, the lake, or take a quick trip to some of the best museums.  We love the Lakeshore, the Lincoln Park Soo, the Field Museum and the Museum of Science and Industry. Despite the season there is always something to do.  I also love how the seasons change. We can go from being out in the summer on the lakefront to cozy sipping hot chocolate at the Field Museum in the winter. There are also some spectacular parks here. Maggie Daily Park is exceptional.  


A typical day is usually pretty chaotic. I like to be there for drop off and pick up for my daughter so I am usually on the move from one place to another. Generally I do meetings all day and save the emailing for after she goes to sleep. This seems to make me the most efficient. A typical day is broken up for me by things a CEO does and things that a mom does. I might be on an investor call outside of her school one minute and then running to pick her up before afternoon nap the next. She really helps to keep me grounded in what I think is most important.   


I wish I had the magic answer her but it is really just about finding what works best for you and sticking to it. I also love things like Instacart for groceries and dry cleaning delivery service.  I try to save time wherever I can so I have more time for my family. For me, work is so busy I don’t say yes to too many nighttime events. I like to be there when she goes to sleep and she when she wakes up in the morning. I also have a husband who has his own company Interior Define. It is crazy because we are both so busy but at the end of the day we understand each other. I love when we have a few minutes at night to talk about our day. I have really come to admire how he runs his company and I look forward to bouncing ideas off of him and getting his advice.  


When I think of motherly I think of my mom.  She is the definition of motherly.  Even to this day I spend so much time with her and still depend on her.  She always put the needs of her kids before her and was always there for us along with my dad.  I hope I can be half as good of a mom as she has been to me.


Mother: loving
Wife: supportive
Designer: fun
Business owner: driven
Friend: loyal
Bedtime Story: The Bear Snores on
Lullaby: Hush little baby- We would sing this to Bella over and over again to get her to sleep when she was a baby.  Also Hindi lullabies. My mom is from India and we sang her a lot of Hindi children’s songs when she was little.
Vacation Spot:  LA.  We travel back and forth to LA for work and Bella loves it! Since I am always on the go with work I try to take her places with me and turn it into a vacation.  Because of that she has spent a lot of time in LA and SF.  One of our other favorite places in Seattle!  We want to take her whale watching this summer.
Restaurant: By Chloe in the West Village. It is a beautiful spot and the food is amazing!  
Children’s Brands: Well of course Monica + Andy is a favorite :) However for shoes I am OBSESSED Akid!
I wish I had known how much fun it would be.  I also wish when Bella was a baby I had worried more about doing everything right and had enjoyed relaxing with a new baby even more.


It’s now or never. Sometimes you just have to take a risk.




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