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Q&A with Melisa Fluhr & Pam Ginocchio of Project Nursery

Q&A with Melisa Fluhr & Pam Ginocchio of Project Nursery


Melisa and Pam are the co-founders of Project Nursery, the ultimate children’s design resource for nursery ideas and inspiration! Project Nursery is the definitive authority for baby’s first room and beyond, offering an engaging and informative platform to solve the universal challenges of nursery design.


Pam: At a very young age, I always knew I wanted to be a mommy. I don’t think I could have ever realized how challenging life with kids would be but I really can’t imagine it any other way.

Melisa: The unconditional love is truly incredible. The minute I got to hold my first child in my arms, I was like, “Ohhhh, I get it now”.


Pam: Well, I used to be able to sleep rock solid and now a night doesn’t seem to go by without waking up with to-do lists swirling in my head. Besides less sleep, I’d say motherhood has simply made me a more compassionate human being. And definitely a super star multi tasker!

Melisa: It has certainly changed my attitude. I’ve become more “go-with-the-flow” because of motherhood. Life throws you curve balls and so do your own kids, um, daily. I’ve had to learn to be flexible and patient.


Pam: I breastfed all three of my children. I absolutely love fashion but during my nursing days it was all about convenience! Nursing tanks, ponchos and wrap sweaters saved me and layering pieces were really my best friend. It was crucial that I was able to easily and discreetly nurse (anywhere, anytime). Needless to say, I was super excited to re-discover my dresses again after the breast feeding era had ended.

Melisa: I breastfed but not without a real struggle. By baby number three, I finally had it down pat. It did take a serious toll on my wardrobe and took having three kids to finally become smart and stylish about it. I remember once feeling a little bit sad standing in my closet. I had the perfect dress for a summer party and then after putting it on, I remembered that I had to breastfeed and silk was a definite no-no so off went my favorite dress.


Pam: I’m not sure that my personal style has changed so much since becoming a mom but I do think my style choices have shifted a bit. I’m definitely all about effortless pieces that are stylish but not fussy. Bye bye pencil skirts and sky high heels. I still love a pair of great fitting jeans, tops that are cute but machine washable and Melisa has always coined me the queen of the accessory! From long necklaces to infinity scarves I always top off an outfit with one statement piece.

Melisa: I’ve learned what looks good on me and what works best for my body type. I don’t have time to stand in a dressing room all afternoon trying on clothes. I’ve developed a style and I stick to it. Pam, however pushes me to dress outside of my comfort zone every now and then which is not only fun but necessary!



We really love so many its hard to choose! Anything that is a great basic and can be worn a few different ways is a must. Neutral colors, pieces you can dress from day to night, easy denim, bright pops of color, comfortable and flattering leggings and of course a couple of stylish jackets or ponchos to top it all off! 

Fringed Poncho

Super Long Leggings 

Camera Scarf

I'm The Boss T-shirt 

Easy Pocket Chambray Shorts

Star Basket Nude Crepe Shirtdress 

Camp Shirt in Ivory Window Pane

Ruffled Feathers Blazer 

Drop Waist Navy Shirtdress

Pegged Floral Pants

Belt Bag in Champagne

 Melisa and Pam's Tastemaker Sale >

It’s about making the nursery a true extension of your home and your personal style. It’s really as simple as that. We believe it should be your goal to create a happy, healthy and safe environment for your child to grow. In addition, a room that puts a smile on your face every single time you enter it. As for the functionality of a nursery, it boils down to ease. Think, how can I make the nursery convenient in the dark for those late night feedings and diaper changes.


Pam’s Typical Day: My day begins early at 5:45am! First things first, a big cup of fresh brewed Peet’s coffee. I’m a firm believer in a hot breakfast for my kids so I whip up pancakes, crepes or eggs every morning! It’s kinda crazy since we have to get out the door in under 45 mins but it’s my thing and my kids love it. Once the kids head off to the school I go for a quick run or to a SoulCycle class. Exercise always puts me in a good mood. I usually fire up my laptop at 9am and immediately start a Google hangout with Melisa. We love being able to work as if we were sitting right next to each other! It’s a stratight shot from there until I have to wind down to start school pick ups and the pre-dinner routine. I cherish our nightly family dinners where there is a strict no electronics policy!

Melisa’s Typical Day: I wake up at 6:30am and snooze for as long as I possibly can. When the baby is having her bottle and my big boys are eating their breakfast, I quickly catch up on shop orders over a shot (or two) of espresso. Once the bus comes, I blast a million emails to poor Pam and the PM sales team for them to wake up to. By midday, I am off running a combination of family and work errands or heading to baby gym class with 9 month old Emmy and friends. When I get home, Pam and I connect and work together until my family is ready for dinner. She often reminds me that I need to feed everyone! I’m also that crazy night owl so I tend to log on late in the evening to see what I missed being on the east coast!

Pam: We live in the beautiful and vibrant city of San Francisco. I really love that we are raising our children to be total “city kids”. Some of our favorite local spots include Chrissy Field Beach, California Academy of Sciences, The Loving Cup, Off The Grid in The Presidio

Melisa: We recently made the suburban move to Mendham, NJ after many years of LA and NYC city living. We now live on 5.5 acres and I am terrified of the black bear family living in my backyard. Heck, there is a horse farm across the street and yes, a real life Main Street, USA is my “downtown”. I love my home, my neighbors and the abundance of space.


Pam: Well, it’s still something I haven’t quite gotten right yet but if I do I’ll let you know. Ha! It’s seriously the single biggest challenge of motherhood. Balancing it all. It’s not easy and I am constantly trying to figure out how to do it better. But simple things like turning my phone off for at least some period of time and uninterrupted family dinners are important in our home.

Melisa: I couldn’t agree more with Pam. I don’t think there’s such a thing as true balance. It’s all about making the conscious choice to log off and and logout which is easier said than done!


Motherly is more than nurturing your child. It’s about teaching your children to be strong, independent yet compassionate human beings. It’s about being a role model to your children.




Mother: The glue (okay that’s two words)
Wife: Partner
Interior designer: Trendsetter
Business owner: Innovator
Friend: Loyal


Mother: Keeper
Wife: (Equal) Partner
Interior designer: Dreamer
Business owner: Driver
Friend: Trustworthy



Your body will never be the same. And you know what, that’s okay!


“Either you run the day, or the day runs you.”– Jim Rhon


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