Countdown to Father's Day with Chelsey Hale of West Coast Capri

We certainly LOVE to celebrate mamas here at Shop BURU, but let's not forget that it takes 2 to Tango (aka make a human). With so many amazing #BURUmamas, it's no surprise that we have quite the list of dedicated daddies who make life better, more fun, and more full of love!

Adam Hale 30 years old

His sister, who was my sorority friend in college, set us up on a blind date. She kept telling me how she wanted to set me up with her brother. We finally went on a date when he was home for Christmas visiting his family because he was going to school in California and we pretty much hit it off right away.

He's the world's greatest dad because he is so hands-on with everything. When he walks in the door from work at night he is all about our little girl and giving her as much attention as he can. They have this really special little bond and she just adores her daddy. He has always been there right next to me helping out with everything from changing dirty diapers, to feeding her to even doing her hair when I need help getting ready in the mornings. He is way more fun than me and makes everything better when he's there with us.

We always have a breakfast brunch of our favorite eggs benedict and just spending the day as a family probably by the beach.