Q & A With Corri McFadden: Founder of e-Drop Off

Style expert and founder of the premier luxury consignment service, edrop-off, Corri Mcfadden knows fashion. A regular contributor on Fox News and MSN, Corri also stared in her own VH1 reality TV show, "House of Consignment". She has now taken on the role of a lifetime as new mom, and we are thrilled to sit down with her for a minute to find out how she is juggling it all while keeping a killer #momstyle!
Shop her complete Tastemaker Sale HERE
BR: What do you love most about being a mom?
CM: Everyday, Zelda is discovering something in the world for the first time. A monotonous bath becomes this moment of delight and fun that she is experiencing for the first time ever—it’s amazing to watch her see the world for the first time through such innocence. It makes me feel like a kid again going through all those “first” experiences with her. I never realized the euphoria other Mom’s were talking about until I experienced it first hand myself. Babies really do change your whole life!
BR: What is the number one way in which motherhood has changed you?
CM: Motherhood has changed me in the best possible way. It’s no longer “me” and will forever be “we!” There is no such thing as the “causal” outing anymore. Before I do anything, I have to take into account how it’s going to affect Zelda, and not just myself. Her needs have now become my number one priority and I strive everyday to always make sure she feels loved. Making her smile is everything to me!CM: I’ve always defined my style as “Rocker Chic,” and stayed true to my style during my pregnancy and now as a mother. I continue to incorporate a lot of black with my go-to staples of denim jeans, leather pants, and graphic tees. My mission during my pregnancy was not to lose my sense of style during that ever-changing time. Now that I am a mother, I am even more determined to rock those studded boots and leather jackets to the playground.
No one does maternity chic quite like Gwen Stefani! I drew inspiration from her wardrobe throughout my entire pregnancy. She perfectly exudes Rocker Chic meets Cool Mom and I’m always blown away by her effortless style, whether pregnant or not.
BR: You are truly a Jill of all Fashion Trades! Can you please tell us about a few of your “gigs” and how they have evolved over the years?
CM: I am the Owner/Founder of eDrop-Off, one of the largest luxury consignment services in the nation! This was my first venture into the world of fashion and retail, and since its opening in 2004, eDrop-Off has grown to become a Titanium seller on eBay (we’ve sold over 450,000 items!), a newly launched e-commerce site and retail location, The Collection by eDrop-Off, in Chicago. We bring in completely new merchandise every 2-3 weeks with fixed pricing and have exclusive pieces from brands like Chanel, Louis Vuitton, and many more.
Since becoming a mom, I found that I wanted to share my experience and tips for others to enjoy and use. Inspired by my pregnancy this past year, I created a new mom website called Glitter and Bubbles, which is a modern-day mom guide for those looking for inspiration through fashion, décor and food.
BR: What does a typical day look like for you and baby Zelda?
CM: A typical day starts off with my 5:30am wake up call and I immediately check on Zelda to see if its time for breakfast. Every week I host a fashion and lifestyle segment on Chicago’s WCIU “You & Me This Morning” and like to bring Zelda with me to the studio when I can. After filming wraps, Zelda heads home with my nanny and I head over to eDrop-Off headquarters. I like to end my days at home with her and my fiancé, Spiro, making dinner and snuggling on the couch with her big brother and sister, Yorkies Harley and Emma.
I try to take Zelda along with me to as many events and outings as possible so I don’t lose time with her when I have work commitments. She and I just returned from New York Fashion Week, where we both sat front row at Christian Siriano’s show; she is turning into quite the little fashionista!
BR: How do you find a balance between your fiancé, the kiddos, eDrop-off and your other numerous projects? Any special tips you can share?
CM: Keep a strong team of like-minded people around you who have the same goals. You want to surround yourself and look for the “go-getters” and not just dreamers.
BR: In one word how would you describe yourself in all the roles you play:
mother: Obsessed : )
wife: Fiancé
stylist: Risk-taker
writer: Honest
friend: Loyal
BR: Zelda is a doll! If you wouldn’t mind sharing, please tell us a few of your favorite mommy moments.
Bedtime Story: Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
Lullaby: We just sing the Bubble Guppies Song Over and Over, It's a Guaranteed Smile! #ModernParenting
Vacation Spot: The Langham Chicago hotel
Restaurant: Doc B's(Mom Loves Their Spicy Margarita)
Children’s Brand: I love the Land of Nod!
BR: What’s the one thing you wish you would’ve known before becoming a mother?
CM: I love baby clothes and I am obsessed with dressing Zelda! The only problem is that she is growing up too fast to keep her in them for very long. You would be surprised how quickly children run through sizes! Although I try to stick to my true fashion roots of wanting to create new and stylish outfits for her, the practical Kansas City girl in me is still a smart shopper, so I tend to buy a lot of basics that can be re-used over and over again. I’ve also started selling Zelda’s clothes on Instagram: Zelda’s Closet. She has so many cute things I couldn’t stand to get rid of, so I created a place where other Mom’s can shop pieces at great prices for their little ones!