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Q&A with Molly Sims

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While no introduction is necessary for this amazing mama, we're going to give her one anyway! Actress and model Molly Sims is the mother of Brooks Alan Stuber. She's starred in the popular TV series Las Vegas and many films including Yes Man with Jim Carrey, Fired UpStarsky & Hutch and The Benchwarmers. And guess what? She and BURU co-founder Morgan Hutchinson are both from Murray, Kentucky! Read her exclusive BURU Q&A below and check out her website full of chic mom tips for fashion, beauty, decor and wellness HERE.

BR: What do you love most about being a mom?

MS: Every moment is magic (except meltdowns LOL). It is too hard to choose one particular thing! Some of my favorite moments are snuggles and cuddles when Brooks climbs in the bed with Scott and I in the mornings. He also says the sweetest thing when he wants to be picked up: "I hold you, Momma." He gets a slight bit confused on who does the holding.

BR: What is the number one way in which motherhood has changed you?

MS: It has made me a serious early bird. There is NO sleeping late in Mommyhood! I am more content with my life.

BR: Did you breastfeed Brooks? If so, how did it affect your wardrobe choices?

MS: Brooks was born with a tooth (believe it or not). It made breastfeeding near impossible, but I stuck with it as long as I could. As far a clothing choices, I really did not leave the house much for the first three months so I had absolute freedom to wear comfy, cozy "easy access" for breastfeeding clothing. I loved Rachel Pally and Velvet T-shirts. I also ended up wearing my husband's old collared shirts because they were baggy and cute.

BR: How did you stay in shape during and post pregnancy? Was there anything you cut out of your diet? Was there anything you craved but wouldn't allow yourself to eat?

MS: I did not do any exercise the first six weeks post pregnancy. You can actually do more harm than good if you start working out too early after baby. I made sure my doctor gave me the OK before I got back to it. Unfortunately, I had some thyroid issues, which made it impossible to loose the weight. It was incredibly frustrating at first and then scary once I realized my inability to loose the pregnancy pounds were due to bigger health issues.

Luckily, with medication we've been able to manage the condition and, ultimately, I was able to loose the weight with exercise and good eating. I definitely have cravings (I LOVE my Momma's red velvet cake), but due to all my years of modeling, I do have a strong level of discipline when it comes to healthy eating. During pregnancy I worked with a woman named Lori Bergman. She has a great site called Rooted For Life. Every month she would give me the run down on what was good to eat depending on what month of pregnancy I was in. I focused on whole foods and whole grains. Nothing fake– not even skim milk. I ate a lot of protein from plant-based foods and a ton of vegetables. After the baby I ate more protein and less carbs, eventually it all came off... but it took AWHILE!

BR: During and after your pregnancy, what was your day-to-day style? Did you ever wear true maternity clothes or did you make do with versatile RTW?

MS: Hmmm... that's hard. I love fashion, so I love to wear so many different styles of clothing, but as far as day-to-day, I guess I would define it as Casual Chic. I love mixing high and low, vintage and new. During pregnancy I pretty much wore larger sizes of RTW, however, once that baby really popped out, I went for lots of layered pieces and maxi skirts were best friend. I lived in oversized boyfriend jackets and bohemian skirts and tanks.

BR: What are your mama must-haves from BURU and why do they work for your #momstyle?

(shop her must-haves here)


Mara Hoffman Printed Dress: "It's always great to have a fun dress you can throw on for date night! Dress it up by pairing it with black tights and high heels." 


Coatology Trench Coat: "Trench coats always make you look chic and put-together regardless of what you're wearing underneath."


By Malene Birger Hat:"A felt hat is so in right now and great for covering up hair when you don't have time to wash it. Add a pair of sunglasses and you're good to go!" 

Bella Dahl Top: "I love the way this shirts hangs. So perfect for covering up a little unwanted pooch."


By Malene Birger Scarf: "I carry a scarf on me wherever I go. It's such an easy, foolproof way to make a fashion statement."

Yosi Samra Loafers: "Loafers are so in right now. And really perfect for keeping up with a toddler!"

Baby Bag: "Being that my baby bag has been attached to my hip for the past two years (and counting), finding one I love is really important. This black tote by Rebecca Minkoff is so chic that no one will even guess it's loaded with diapers!"

Freshener: "This is great for those spit-up induced emergencies!"


BR: As a working, on-the-go actress, spokesperson and mother, what's the most challenging aspect of motherhood for you?

MS: It is the balance of everything that's SO challenging! It is a struggle to keep all the moving parts going while trying to be the best mom and wife I can. I have a motto of working hard and playing hard. I really try to spend quality time with Brooks and not be on the phone or my iPad. We read together every day. We just started flash cards, which are fun. You find yourself wanting your child to experience so many different things... and literally I have spent hours sitting on a bench with Brooks watching the trucks go by! I mean, who would of thought I would enjoy a construction site!

BR: You have a very special bond with your own mother. What is the best parenting advice she has given you?

MS: Don't sweat the small stuff and follow your gut. It is so easy as a first time mom to fall down the rabbit hole of information about child rearing. My mom's no-nonsense approach to life has been very grounding for me and how I raise Brooks. She was not my best friend until we were out of college. She was my mother first and foremost. She had, and still has, a very unique sense of style and she taught me to take care of myself from a very early age. She is my best friend to this day and let me tell you that woman is a vault. She would never share a secret. I would never be where I am without my parents. They backed me from day on and taught me to Dream Big! 

BR: What is a typical weekend like for you, Brooks and your husband?

MS: We love downtime! The week gets so busy and we love hanging out in jammies and spending time together around the house. We also love to go on adventures. It can be as simple as the farmer's market or our local park. Brooks is at such a great age and loves new experiences. 

BR: Between the busy schedule of you and your husband, how do the two of you make time for each other? Any special date night rituals?

MS: We definitely make time for date nights! I think it is so important to make time for your spouse and maintain that special connection that made you parents in the first place! Our anniversary is coming up and he's taking me to Martha's Vineyard– and he has planned the whole thing!

BR: You travel quite often with Brooks. What are your travel necessities to avoid "toddler turbulence"? Any unique items in your diaper bag or tote to entertain him?

MS: Oh goodness, I have so many tips I've learned along the way! I actually did an entire post on my website about toddler travel. (Read HERE.) I would say one of my favorite tricks is to wrap small toys individually. Does not have to be price. Hit the 99 Cent Store and get yourself a bevy of little treats that you gift wrap and dole out during your flight. I also use an iPad and have kitty cat ears as headphones. No-Holds-Barred on an airplane! Blankie, passie, you name it! Whatever it takes!

BR: What is the one thing you wish you would've known before becoming a mother?

MS: Not to sweat the small stuff. I wanted so badly to be the perfect mom in EVERY way. The perfect diapering technique, the perfect swaddle, the list could go on and on. There's a reason why second time parents are so much more relaxed. There is NO reason to sweat the small things. I also would not have put so much pressure on myself to breastfeed. Between him being a vampire with that tooth and struggling so hard with milk production, I have to say I was really in a bad place emotionally. It is hard enough to be a new parent so it does you no good to put all that added pressure on yourself.

Thank you so much, Molly! Check out her Tastemaker Sale HERE and her website HERE!


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