Q&A with Tastemaker Alli Webb
If you know me personally, then you know I have more than a mild obsession with The Drybar. Partly because they give the best blow-out in all the land and partly because I have a major girl crush on the founder, Alli Webb! Let's just say that when she agreed to be a BURU Tastemaker, I may have let out a squeal. Okay, I did.
A dedicated mother to her two boys, Grant and Kit, Alli is really doing it all. She runs a successful business that doesn't just focus on good hair. The heart and soul of The Drybar is to make their clients feel like a million bucks - through their kindness, their smiles, their moral support, and of course their mad blow-out skills.
Find out more about Webb in our exclusive Q&A with her below:
BR: What do you love most about being a mom?
AW: The love. The unconditional love. There is nothing more pure or amazing then the love you have for your child. It’s the most challenging thing I have ever done, but also by far, the most spectacular and rewarding.
BR: What is the number one way in which motherhood has changed you?
AW: Motherhood has changed the way I see the world and has given me a deep sense of empathy towards others.
BR: Did you breast-feed your children? If so, what piece of clothing made nursing easier for you?
AW: I breast-fed both my kids for a very long time and it was such an amazing experience. I loved the easy-to-unlatch nursing bras!
BR: What is your day-to-day mom style?
AW: Well it depends on the day.. A rockin blowout is really the most essential part of my style which is usually a Mai Tai or Straight Up these days. I love a great fitting pair of jeans, sexy shoes, the perfect t-shirt and fun accessories.
BR: As the founder of the rapidly growing Dry Bar, the Premier Blow Dry Bar (with 36 locations & counting) raising two growing boys – do you ever find anytime for yourself? How do you unwind?
AW: Ah the balance, it’s the single hardest part for me. I work extremely hard to carve out time for the things that make me feel rejuvenated and happy. Exercising is a must - I strive to hit Barry’s Boot Camp or SoulCycle at least 4-5 days a week. And you will find me in my hot tub almost every single night. I love the water, I grew up near the ocean... water has always relaxed me like nothing else can.
BR: We love the 10 Core Values & Beliefs of The Drybar. It seems that they also apply to parenting. Do your boys live by these as well? Any tips for instilling these values into little ones?
AW: 100%! My husband Cameron (Drybar Creative Director) and I work very hard to make sure our kids understand what it means to work hard, to be good to people, be confident, yet humble, and most importantly to have fun! My kids know how hard Mommy and Daddy work to give us all a great life, and my parents owned their own bushiness so I grew up understanding hard work and dedication.. I believe (and hope!) my kids will grow up with the same sense.
BR: What Drybar product should every woman have on her vanity?
AW: A great blow dryer is absolutely essential for any woman blowing out her own hair. This is precisely why I set out to develop a dryer (Buttercup) that would not only dry our clients hair in half the time, but through advanced technology, would also help your hair look and feel healthy and shiny!
BR: What are your five must-have pieces from BURU and why do they work in your mommy lifestyle?
1. Corey Vira Elastic Waist Pants - I love a comfy, but chic pant that I can wear to the office, then head over to my son's baseball game. Love the print on these. So cute!
2. Corey Zola Elastic Waist Skirt - I have been trying to wear more skirts, so I need to get my hands on this one STAT!
3. White + Warren Black Slub Cardigan
4. Annie Griffin Katie Blouse in Organic Floral Print
5. Rebecca Minkoff Let's Mexico T-Shirt
BR: Have you given up any fashion items in the name of motherhood? If so, what? What is the one fashion item you will never sacrifice…even if it is totally impractical as a mama?
AW: When my kids were younger (they are now 7 & 9) I temporally gave up heels, but boy did I miss those!
BR: Finally, what is the one thing you wish you would have known before becoming a mother?
AW: I don’t think I fully realized how much of yourself you give up as a mom. I would not trade being a mommy for anything, but I don’t think I fully grasped just how different my life would become with those little ones.
Thank you so much, Alli!
Shop her Tastemaker Sale HERE.
Check out The Drybar HERE.
SURPRISE!! Shop her looks and the entire BURU site with code: BURU+DRYBAR to save 15% off your entire purchase!