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Hello Hollywood! BURU Moves to LA.

Hello Hollywood! BURU Moves to LA.

Our fourth year was one for the books.

 We welcomed a new life to our crew...

and officially became a family of four!

We were on "new baby" high—full of joy and hope.  Then, as life has a way of doing, the bottom fell out. The job that took us to Salt Lake City—the one that "seemed to good to pass up" actually just turned out to be too good to be true.
With a 3-week old baby in our arms, a 4-year old girl at our feet, a freshly renovated home over our heads and a growing business' future in our thing was certain—there was no time for wallowing. 
Two weeks later, a for sale sign went in the yard.
Big changes were brewing.

As business owners (especially in the early years) it's nearly impossible for personal and professional life to remain separate. This change in our personal lives created a massive ripple effect that changed the course of BURU. 
While our personal life remained on shaky, unfamiliar ground, the business was moving in full force. Growth phases are great, but they're also expensive. The more inventory you sell, the more inventory you need—which more often than not results in a serious chicken/egg situation when it comes to cash flow.
When the house had zero bites after 2-months, we decided to take the bull by the horns and make some lemonade.

So we hit the ground running. Or perhaps I should say—we hit the pavement rolling.
We planned a 6-week Buru-to-You Tour traveling cross country with pop-up stops in almost every state along the way. It was amazing—life changing for our babies and game-changing for our business.

We came back to SLC with zero offers on our home. The excitement from our trip wore off quickly as we scrambled to figure out what to do with a big ole' house in a city we no longer wanted to live in.
Unsure of what to do and overwhelmed at the thought of keeping a house "show ready" with two little humans constantly trashing the place, we decided to keep on trucking.
The planning for Buru-to-You Part Deux commenced. 

And then as life has a way of doing, the pieces started to come back together.
3 weeks before we were set to hit the road again, we got an offer on the house. Not just any offer—THE offer. She wanted the house immediately. She paid cash. She bought the furniture. (The pieces we were willing to sell anyway...)
Our dream plan could officially be put into motion.
BURU was LA Bound!
With the Part Deux Tour already in motion, we had to move fast. Literally. We had to move our stuff from SLC to LA in 5 days. We hired movers for the big things, and we packed the BURU Bus with everything else.
We arrived to our new home in LA at 11PM. We had no food and no furniture—but we were free and we were happy!
The second tour was a success, and we came back to Los Angeles excited and ready for a new BURU chapter!

The City of Angels has opened countless new doors and opportunities for BURU. Best of all is the ability to produce a collection in the USA. In year four, we launched The Pink Label, created from sustainable textiles sourced locally and produced in DTLA. 
And then, we went to Paris to shoot our first BPL lookbook!

While there—we launched our Vive la Mère campaign with a portion of the proceeds benefitting our non-profit partner Bring Change to Mind to help end the stigma of mental illness. 

Keeping the momentum going, we decided we wanted to have a bigger (and more frequent) presence out on the road. So—we purchased a second BURU Bus.
Hello BURU Bus South and hello @burubrandace!

In the end—through all the crazy, the stress and the ups and day—Year Four turned out to be one of our best yet!
It's funny how life has a way of working out—even when it feels absolutely impossible.
Stay tuned for our last recap blog with all the exciting things coming in year 5!


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