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Countdown to Mother's Day with Allie Mood

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Last, but certainly not least in our Countdown to Mother's Day is Allie Mood.  Child stylist and contributor to Mini Style Blog, Allie's spirit is contagious and full of energy.  We instantly connected over our love of vintage Chocolate Soup (the children's brand...not old, weird soup).   Allie has a way of bringing out the magic of childhood in every photo she takes or styles.  Follow her instagram @allieroyall for nostalgic inspiration.  But don't be surprised if you want to buy your children entirely new wardrobes!

To celebrate Allie's favorite BURU Brand: Ace & Jig, we are offering 25% off the entire collection with code: BURUMAMA25

MIni Q&A with Allie:

BR: Please share your children's names and ages?
Allie: Poppy, age 5 and Henry, 18 months
BR: What are your favorite Mother's Day traditions?
Allie: Nothing beats sleeping in and breakfast in bed.
BR: Best Mother's Day gift you have ever received?
Allie: Just having the day off to completely spend time pampering myself. I rarely do that, except for on days like my birthday or Mother's Day. Normally "alone time" for me is spent at the grocery store. It feels nice to have "me time," while I know my children are happily playing with their dad.
BR: Worst gift you ever gave your own mother?
Allie: Probably just forgetting, forgetting to say, "happy Mother's Day!," forgetting to tell her how much I appreciate her, forgetting to really shower her with love on those days. Now that I am a mom, I can look back and see how very little I did for my mom on Mother's Day. Since having children, her gifts have gotten much better. 
BR: If you could travel anywhere this mother's day where would you go?
Allie: Somewhere warm and tropical with my husband and children. 
Shop Allie's favorite BURU Brand: Ace & Jig 25% off today with code: BURUMAMA25

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