Q & A With Amanda Gluck of Fashionable Hostess
Hostess with the mostess, and mother of two, Amanda Gluck of The Fashionable Hostess, amazes with her picture perfect home, beautiful family, and incredible style. Find out how she balances it all while keeping family first in our exclusive Q&A below.
Follow along everyday this week as she styles perfect looks for different "hostess" occasions!
Shop her BURU Tastemaker Sale HERE
BR: What do you love most about being a mom?
AG: Tickle tests, reading Pinkalicious, singing the ABC’s, and crowding all four of us into our bed in the mornings.
BR: What is the number one way in which motherhood has changed you?
AG: One way? That’s tough! It has taught me the importance of time management and patience, and shown me a love that I didn’t know existed.
BR: Did you breast-feed? If so, how did it affect your wardrobe choices?
AG: For my first child I breastfed for three months and for my second child I breastfed four and a half months. Oh boy, it affected my wardrobe choices… button downs were my best friends.
BR: Has your personal style changed since motherhood? How would you describe your #momstyle?
AG: I am much more casual. While I still wear skinny jeans, I make sure they have tons of stretch so I can easily and comfortably be crawling around on the ground of my nursery. So, I guess my #momstyle is trendy-casual – skinny jeans, a loose top and some sort of layer like a vest or leather jacket.
BR: Your site, Fashionable Hostess, offers so many aspirational, yet attainable tips from tablescapes to baby nurseries to the latest fashions - how do you keep yourself organized with all the different projects you are juggling?
AG: I use my google calendar for everything and then check it each night before I head to bed so I know what’s on tap for the next day. Having meetings, setting the table, and entertaining can be hard with kids, but I just try to find a balance. When it’s kid time, they get all of me, and when it’s me time, I try to really focus on the task at hand. Some days it comes together perfectly and other days it’s all over the place, so I just try to take it one day at a time {and remember that I have wine chilling in the fridge on the bad days}.
BR: What does a typical day look like for you and your 2 littles ones?
AG: Hopefully the kids sleep till 6:30/7:00, then we all crowd into mommy and daddy’s bed for an episode of Daniel Tiger. Then it’s teeth brushing and off to breakfast for all four of us. My husband and I try to divide and conquer. My daughter plays in the bathroom while my husband showers and I carry Brooks alongside me as I clean all the rooms and make the beds. Once the nanny arrives I try to get a few hours of work done {work on a post or do a photo shoot}, or a few times a week I attend press previews till noon. I try to make all of my meetings over lunch before heading back to attend a baby class with the kids. Reese (almost 2 years old) loves art and ballet while Brooks (7 months) loves gym because he is incredibly close to crawling! At 5:00 pm we have mandatory reading time, Brooks likes to be read to so either I read to him or Reese pretends to read to him. Then it’s time to prepare for dinner… I ALWAYS set a nice table even if it’s for take-out. It’s easier than it sounds since I always have fresh flowers in the house! After dinner my husband usually arrives home right in time for bath and bed. I put the baby bath inside the large bath so I can bathe the two together. It’s amazing how Reese loves her role of big sister and insists on washing Brook’s hair! Then a few songs {Baa Baa Black Sheep is very popular these days} and story time and it’s off to bed at 7:30 for both of them! There’s usually a huge sigh and then on to “us time.” Either my husband and I enjoy a quiet dinner or we have friends over for a more formal gathering. After dinner it’s back to work for a few hours for both of us. I spend time photo editing or writing and he finishes anything from the office. I try to multi-task and have a hair mask or facemask on while I do so J. Then at 11:30 we meet in bed for some wind-down TV.
BR: How do you find a balance between your husband, the kiddos, and FH? Any special tips you can share?
AG: Make individual time for each thing. Sometimes I make myself leave the house to work so I can be productive. Then, there are times where I leave my phone behind and simply play with the kids {I call it kids’ choice where we can play with any toys they want}. And then my husband and I have date night. Some days I have to play more mommy while some days I have to do more work but in the end I try to find a balance so everyone is happy!
BR: In one word how would you describe yourself in all the roles you play:
mother: nurturing
wife: thoughtful
hostess: detail-oriented
business owner: go-getter
friend: loyal
BR: Reese and Brooks are adorable! If you wouldn’t mind sharing, please tell us a few of your favorite mommy moments
Bedtime Story: I made one up about Princess Reese who goes on a search through the forest for red apples and meets animals along the way. She LOVED it so much she makes me re-tell it every night. I am considering publishing it in my next life when I have more time J
Lullaby: Baa Baa Black Sheep, Five Little Ducks
Vacation Spot: Miami, Nashville
Restaurant: Sarabeth’s on Park {so kid-friendly!}
Children’s Brand: Too many – Clothes- Peek, Jacadi, Old Navy, Furniture – Pottery Barn Kids, Giggle
BR: What’s the one thing you wish you would’ve known before becoming a mother?
AG: Get as much sleep as possible!!!!! I miss the days of sleeping in on the weekend!!
Shop her BURU Tastemaker Sale HERE
Stay tuned this week for more mom stye tips from the lovely Amanda Gluck!