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Q&A with Elle Rowley of Solly Baby

Q&A with Elle Rowley of Solly Baby



With the belief that wraps bring you closer to your little one, physically and emotionally, while simultaneously giving you the freedom and comfort to take on daily life, Elle Rowley founded Solly Baby Wrap after the birth of her second child out of frustration with current baby carriers on the market.

She literally took matters into her own hands by purchasing a serger on Craigslist and sewing the first "Solly" while her babies napped.  6 years and lots of hard work later, Elle has provided countless mamas and babies the best baby wearing experience there is!

Read our exclusive Q&A with Elle below + Shop her curated #momstlye 20% off this week only with code: SOLLY!


Seeing my kids learn something new! So invigorating to see the light in their eyes and it inspires me to push myself.


How hasn’t it?! Motherhood has humbled me more in a major way and it has made my best self. Not a perfect self, but I really feel like I am a better person than I was before.


Lucy is our 8-year-old going on 30. She is creative, fun, insightful and funny and is always working on her latest "business" or idea. Solomon, 5, is an energetic but tenderhearted cowboy who loves building things and making everyone laugh. Frances, 2, is my helper in the kitchen and she also loves to play dress-up and pretend. She has just discovered that she doesn't like it when people tell her “no”, but she’s getting life figured out. Hazel was just born this last November and is a sweetie pie who still sleeps most of the day, which we appreciate. All of her siblings are obsessed with her.


Yes, I do breastfeed and between that and babywearing pretty much constantly, it absolutely affects every decision I make when it comes to clothing! I like lightweight, layered options with easy access.


So much simpler and it’s all about the fit. I still care about fashion and looking good, but my clothes have to “work” for me too.


I love all of these pieces because they are interchangeable and buildable, work well with nursing and babywearing!


Sydney striped sweater

The Claude jacket black + white plaid

Katie dark denim tunic

Claire classic white button down

Isla ivory plaid coat

Ashley blanket poncho

Holley blouse - black

Monterey pant

The stabel legging

Shop Elle's tastemaker collection >



A good poncho/caftan/cardigan (like this that you can use for quick and easy coverage and an easy button up ( that is dark for spills/blowouts.


After using migraine-inducing carriers that left me feeling like a packhorse with my first baby in 2009, I wanted something comfortable and chic to wear my second baby in so I could not only best take care of his needs, but also so I could still chase after my toddler and meet her needs as well. There were only a few other wraps on the market and they were heavy and hot and didn’t appeal to me aesthetically so after making my own wrap, absolutely loving the experience, and discovering through the feedback of friends that I had done something really different, I decided to start making and selling them on Etsy. From selling there I could see there was a real demand so I took it to the next level by sourcing real manufacturing and I started working through social media to get the word out. In 2016 that’s an obvious route but in 2011, advertising through social media was really just beginning.



Oh gosh, there have been so many “pinch-me” moments but I don’t know if I have ever felt like “we made it”, you know? It’s a daily hustle, but one that I love. Being in Vogue last year was definitely a pinch-me moment, though. More so was meeting a mom in Costco who had used our wrap and cried as she told me how much it helped her bond with her baby.



We currently live in North County San Diego in a city called Vista. We love it because we have a little bit of land and it’s close to everything without being as expensive as a lot of other areas. We go to Encinitas when we want good food, unless we feel like Yellow Deli, our favorite local spot or Naked Cafe in Carlsbad. Our favorites in Encinitas are Haggo’s Organic Taco, East Asian Village Diner, and Darshan Bakery. We love going to the beach in Carlsbad and Encinitas, even if it’s just for an hour or two after school to take a walk, and the New Children’s Museum downtown is my personal favorite for a day out, followed by a walk to Little Italy for lunch.



Well, since I work from home, a typical “Solly Baby” day is a typical “Rowley Family” day. :) Always meditation/spiritual time first thing in the morning before the kids are up. This is SO hard now that I have a newborn again. Then it’s a quick rush to exercise (also so hard with a newborn!), get ready for the day, and help Jared get kids out the door. A few days a week I volunteer at my children’s school in the morning and work in the afternoon but most days I work until after lunch from home, unless I have meetings at our office in Carlsbad or LA, and then Jared works in the afternoon until evening. I spend that time with our toddler and then with my older kids when they get home from school. Evenings are sometimes spent working, but mostly together and once kids are in bed Jared and I are able to hang out, which might just be my favorite part of every day.



A good balance of love, guidance, and strength.


mother: love

wife: love

business owner: love

product designer: love

friend: love


Lullaby: a church song called “Lead Kindly, Light”

Vacation spot: our Oregon farmhouse

Restaurant: Nekter Juice Bar

Children’s Brands: ARQ


So many things! I was so unprepared, but what can really prepare you, you know?


"Your real work is to figure out where your power base is and to work on that alignment of your personality, your gifts you have to give, with the real reason why you are here,” - Oprah (Always, Oprah!)


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